Most people like sunshine /bright day , but for me a rainy day works much better as I'm more active and i accomplish a lot on those days. Today was one of those gloomy days as most people call it , and i was sipping my Starbucks coffee which i brewed in the morning and was driving to work. It feels so right to get back to my routine which i think i was missing after the visit to my homeland. What was home to me once does not seem to be home to me anymore. Its not that I'm not patriotic but its because i have started my life again in a different place, i worked hard to build my life and got to somewhere. I got comfortable in my own cocoon and would like to live that way. Though i was tired after hours of journey with a baby on my lap , when the plain was landing the feeling of being home was something unexplainable. The bunches of trees which looked like broccoli form the top and the rows of houses which stood straight was like picture perfect painting. The cars where like tiny toy cars going on a track , and the clean and neat roads made my heart beat faster then it should.When i stepped back to my house, it was a horror scene though. There were piles of yellow pollen on the patio , all my plants dried off of the cold weather and house looked much more emptier then before. I had no one to talk to and i had nothing to eat until i got to the grocery store. But i still felt it at home as i have lots of memories built in that house. That was my first house, and my son learned his bike riding in that house , i remember the sounds of this bike inside the house going zoom zoom zoom . We had happy times having karaoke singing in our house and the parties and the baby showers.My children learning to walk, talk , run and started their schools ....I remember gazing at the walls for hours thinking what painting would look good on it and imagining how it looks in my mind and running around the stores to find the kind i want with my budget. I remember standing for hours cleaning it and making it look as a new bride all the time. I spent most of the weekends cleaning , lighting the incenses sticks and candles in the night and just sitting on the couch and watching TV. Each and every thing in the house was something i worked hard for, something which i dreamed of for long . Most of the summer morning i spent planting and trimming and playing with the mud until the drops of sweat poured down my cheeks as the sun was showing his heat and when my stomach was growling for food that was when i used to step back into the house to make some coffee. Its not been that long that i am back, the flowers started to show up .I felt all these plants were waiting for me to come back home to take care of them . And they showered their love towards me in the form of flowers. These plants were like my babies , i took care of them in every possible way to keep them happy and healthy.After you move out of your parents and start living on your own , the place you live becomes home.