Tuesday, May 22, 2012


What language do you speak?
I don't know  that ,but
You are in every language
and every language speaks of you

What color are you?
I don't know  that ,but
I see your colors in every emotion
In every attachment
In every  virtue
kindness and compassion
In every relationship
And in every Friendship

What form do you take?
I don't know that , but
You are a noun , you are found in every person, place, animal and thing 

Do you have a religion, culture?
I don't know that , but
But every religion follows you
And wants you!!

I know.....
You are  profoundly tender
You are Passionate
You are a Pleasure
You are Needed
You are Wanted
You are Embraced
You are Cherished
You are What you are 
Cannot be seen
Can only be felt!!!!

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