Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"I wish everyone loved ..."

I have been seeing these posts for past two weeks in Preeti Shenoy's blog and waited to see if some one would address what I had in my mind. Then, I thought why don’t I do it myself instead of waiting for someone to write.

So here we go, I wish everyone loved one and other and understood that each one is different in their own way. Every person in this world comes with two sides, good and bad in them like the two sides of a coin.  In a deeper sense it’s not either good or bad, its simply two sides – one that we understand and one that we don’t understand. What we understand is always good and what we don’t is always bad.

 Take all the good you find in them, absorb into you to learn and become a better person. Leave the bad, as you don’t need it and it’s of no good to you nor you are going to understand it.
Often I see it’s difficult for many people to adjust with their friends, family, relatives, brothers, sisters, husband, wife, children and co workers. It’s because the other person does not do things in the way you want them to. You like it or not we live between people and we have to learn to deal with them, all the time.

 I had to deal with lots of difficult people to find few answers to the following questions. These questions used to haunt me, as I never used to understand why people hurt you in ways you cannot imagine, or make you happy for no reason, or love you unconditionally.  The people you thought as your close pals are not by your side when you most need them and people you least cared come to your rescue. Life is the biggest school, it unfolds you to teach lessons. I thank all the tough people who came into my life to teach me their part and made me better person.

So the Questions are:

Why are people so different?

Why do they do things so differently from us?
Why cant they understand what is important to us?

Why can’t they think the same as us?

When you are polite and nice to them, why do they still hurt you?

Why do people use you? (Even though you never tried to use them like they do)

And the list of questions goes on and on …

But the answer for these N# of questions in only one thing – Because they are not YOU.

They neither think and do things like you, nor can YOU be like them  :-)

They won’t change and you don’t want to be them.  So we just have to learn to deal with them, learn the good and leave the bad to love one and other.

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